Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dysgraphia or Why We HATE Writing

My handwriting has affected my whole life, and not ever in good ways. Things like when I was in high school I had really bad handwriting, so bad that I remember a day in which my classmates asked me if I was writing in Sanskrit. I was not. To this day people still joke that I need to be a doctor because of my poor writing skills. Even my mom tried to help by for years pushed the kindergarten writing tablets, the ones with the huge lines, at me in the hope that I would keep trying to fix my writing. Well here I am years later and my writing is still bad especially when I am in a hurry, but I have worked on it enough that most people can read it which is a big improvement.

You see along with having dyslexia and I have a secondary disability called dysgraphia. If you have dyslexia most likely you have dysgraphia too. I hate having it. I can see what I want to write, how it looks, sometimes even how it is spelled, but when I go to put it down on paper it comes out very different then what I saw. It is usually hard to read, spelled wrong, and just plain wrong. It is sooooooo frustrating. That is what I deal with every time I go to write something down on paper.

The best way I can come up with describing dysgraphia is that there is this huge disconnect from my brain to my hand. These disconnect affects things like movement, handwriting, how the letters appear on paper, and so on. It is by far the part I hate about having dyslexia, but the lucky thing about us this that we have an amazing piece of technology that can fix most of the problems- the computer.

I love living in an age that has this great machine that connects people in new ways, helps people, and overall makes life better. I have found that I can write on a computer a lot easier that I can on a piece of paper. I still write on paper, but I love writing on a computer. I mean the computer has spell-check and grammar check which this very (very) helpful. I wish I could upload a photo of my real handwriting so you could see how bad it is, but just take my word on this one.

There are some things to be looking for with dysgraphia-

  • Strong verbal skills, but poor writing skills
  • Generally illegible handwriting
  • Avoiding writing or drawing tasks
  • Tiring quickly while writing
  • Inconsistencies: mixture of print & cursive, upper & lower case, or irregular sizes,
  • Shapes, or slant of letters
  • Reversals & syllable omissions
  • Unfinished words or letters & omitted words
  • Slow or labored copying
  • Tight, awkward pencil grip and body position
  • Inconsistent spacing of letters and words
  • Difficulty organizing thoughts on paper

I show signs of all of these. Most are “fixable” by finding out what works for you or using the computer more, and just practicing writing something that is interesting to you. Like a short story or even just slowly coping a story you like. I like writing stories in 55 words. For me I have to slow down and try to write in a way that people can read. Some days that works, others not in the slightest.

I will say that it never completely disappears, and that there will be good and bad days. Mainly having friends that will be a proofreader for papers and other things is very helpful because you may not always find the problems in your own writing. Just find a way to keep writing no matter how hard it is, and remember that there are also tools to help, even my Mom approved kindergarten tablets. Never give up -just find a way for your brain to work best with you, not against you.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dys-Advantages- Maybe, Maybe Not

I wish I could say that having dyslexia was a walk in the park all the time and that there are no disadvantages to having it, but that would be a big fat dirty lie. And I will not lie to you guys, (or at least I will try not to). There are major and minor inconveniences and they do affect my life, some days a lot more then others. That is the truth. (If you don’t believe me ask my family or friends. They will tell you!) Not a really happy truth, but that is a part of life.

I may really hate that idea that dyslexia is a labeled disability (I talked about this in earlier blogs), but a disability is defined as a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities. Since dyslexia presents a series of limitation on your brain activities, memories, and movements, therefore the definition does apply to dyslexia (and so many other things in life). Those who are dyslexic know this fact very well. Most people who have dyslexia can tell something is “wrong”, or at the very lest something is different with their brain ability compared to other people.

Dyslexia is a disability with a wide spectrum, from minor to severe levels that affects the individual’s brain. Since it is so varied in its affects and to what degree that it affects someone there are many things that could be considered a disadvantage. For the most part most people could list the big ones. Ones like it is hard to spell words, reading is really hard for us, and so on. These are the ones that most people discussed and know the most about.

The problem is there are more limitations to think and discuss then just these. Like the fact most dyslexics need to feel in control of their environment, so that we are comfortable and can function to the best of our ability. This means that we tend to work for ourselves, or at a place that we can manipulate the space to best suit us.

Then there is the fact that a lot of jobs are not very dyslexia friendly especially since we have a hard time with spelling, writing (dysgraphia, which I will talk about next time!), we are more visual then auditory, have a hard time starting organized, and all those skills are used in a working space. There is no job you can name that does not use some form of writing, grammar, or organization.

The good news is that most skills that you, or anyone, struggle with can become easier with practice and patience. Not always the advice you want to hear, but it does work. J For things like notes taking (with is a auditory and visual thing), spelling, and handwriting- I will be sharing about my ways to deal with these things.

I will also talk about organization and how it can help with all aspects of life, with or without dyslexia. At the end of the day even with limitations, disadvantages, or whatever you want to call don’t have to control your life. There is always hope for a better day tomorrow and if not tomorrow then the day after that.

Unit Next time!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Advantages for Dyslexics

Growing up I thought that there were no advantages to having dyslexia, none at all. In fact I thought of having dyslexia was like having a death sentence at least for me being a productive member of society. I learned this fact from the people around me and what the world tells people with a learning disability. It was hard to grow up thinking that I would never graduated from high school, or if I did that that would be the high point of my life.

This was years before they started think about that there are a lot of positive aspects of having dyslexia. Surprise- there is a lot of positive aspects to having dyslexia. It took me a while to reflect back on my life and to see the positive things that have come from me having dyslexia.

So some of the positive aspects that I have learned are:

1) We are highly aware of what is happening around us. I have found that the more I know what is going on the more I am able to relax, the less I freak out, and the less mistakes I make. Trust me- my friends will tell you that I make a lot of mistakes, but don’t we all.

2) We are highly creative. I have found that I am very creative and I like doing creative things. I am just not go at all of them. I love to write poems and love to crochet, but ask me to draw something and the nicest thing someone can say about it is that it looks a terrible stick figure.

3) We have the ability to think about the big picture. The little details don’t bog us down. Details are important, but so is the big picture. Most of my teachers would tell my parents that I have a great ability to think of the big picture.

4) We have the ability to empathies with people in difficult situations. We have been there. I have discovered that I have a great ability to understand and talk to people about hard things.

5) We have a great ability to adapt in most situations. I have discovered that if I understand and are ok with myself, that in most situations I have found that I can adapt to everything that happens.

6) We are overall very curious. I love learning and I want to understand all I can about many, many topics. Curiosity is very helpful in the ability to adapt to situations and I have discovered that knowing things is helpful in me maintaining my self-image.

7) We tend to think in pictures instead of words. I have found that since I cannot spell on a normal everyday bases that I think in pictures or images. My brain seems to work best with images and picture. I believe that most people think in words, not photos. I have found that I also think about spelling words in pictures and images. These are part of my bag of tricks for spelling and remembering things.

8) We have a superior ability for reasoning or logic. My brain works in very logical steps. Mainly so that I can follow my own thought process and to explain that to other people. Other people seem to get very mad at my ability to use logic on arguments and other situations.

Some of the other things I have found in my research on this are we have a great ability to turn our thoughts into reality, our ability to alter and create perceptions, and overall to see patterns, connections, and similarities very easy.

Some of the others are:

· Strong concentration;

· can be very driven, ambitious and persistent;

· Capable of seeing things differently than others;

· Love for complexity;

· Simultaneous multiple thought processing;

· not following the crowd;

· the ability of visual, spatial and lateral thinking

All of these things sound like very good things to have and to do. In many ways I feel blessed to have dyslexia. Without dyslexia I would be a very different person. At this point I am glad that I have it, but it took me several years to get to this point.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hey You’re Really Smart (Questions about IQ)

I think that everyone wonders about intelligence and what their IQ is. Our society likes to show how intelligent it is. This is why there are groups like Mensa which you have to test and show what your IQ is before you can join. IQ is an important way to showing how smart a person is. We would all like to be geniuses and the way to measure that is to test a person’s IQ.
IQ is important factor in having dyslexia also. In the olden days (a long, long, well not that long ago) people use to believe that having dyslexia meant that a person had a lower IQ. Everyone believed that it was a sign of a lower intelligence. From that idea scientists decided to do a lot of testing on this theory, and they come up with an answer. Luckily when it comes to having dyslexia scientists have found that there is no connection between having dyslexia and having a low IQ. So Yay US!
In fact, it proves that a person has dyslexia by looking at the IQ test results and to see the gap between IQ and their ability. So therefore most people with dyslexia have high IQs and are smart. Our smartness comes out in different way. We are not always book or testing smart, but we have a great ability to think in different ways.
Some of the problem we have is the many of the ways that dyslexics are test are not the way that our brains work. Our brains have trouble with reading and the interruptions of those symbols in the brain. Having dyslexia does not affect intelligence at all. It in fact proves that a person is smart.
Here is a list of the IQ scores and percent of Americans that fall in that range:
Genius 144 0.13%
Gifted 130-144 2.14%
Above average 115-129 13.59%
Higher average 100-114 34.13%
Lower average 85-99 34.13%
Below average 70-84 13.59%
Borderline low 55-69 2.14%
Low <55 0.13%

Guess where most dyslexic people fall?

They fall in the above average to higher average percentile.

So before you start to think to yourself that you are not very smart- consider the following:
“Does anyone know of a dyslexic that doesn't have a high IQ? More and more, I am beginning to feel that all dyslexics are above average or genius level, not just some! I have yet to read of a single person that has tested (with a good test that is) any lower than 120-130! Average is like 95 to 110 or something, isn't it? Some people have trouble with certain IQ tests because they are designed more around reading, but for the ones that aren't, dyslexics always seem to excel!!! If I ever own a company, I think I'll make being dyslexic as a prerequisite...that way I'll get hard workers with high intelligence.”
Anonymous Post to Dyslexia Discusion Board.

Read more:

Until next time!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Helpful Tool Kit

Sorry it has been so long since I have been able to post. Life got really busy around the holidays and then school started back up again. But all of that is ok. This next week I will be starting a new blog series called- A Helpful Tool Kit. It will look into eight areas of advice that I have learned from teachers, friends, and my own brain that help me everyday.

I will be posted a new blog every Tuesday and Thursday for the next four weeks.
They are-

1) Hey You’re Really Smart (Questions about IQ),
2) Advantages for Dyslexics,
3) Dys-Advantages- Maybe, Maybe Not,
4) Dysgraphia or Why We HATE Writing,
5) Ooo Shoot, Say Again- Note Taking,
6) Hey Mom- How do you spell “Can”?
7) Our Enemy, Math (Dyscalculia),
8) Parent Advice from My Real Parents

If you want to see another topic discussed feel free to comment and I will try to work it in.

Tool #6- Advice about dyslexia only works if it follows your brain and your thought process. There is a ton of advice out there for dyslexia- from doctors to dyslexics, and many more, but finding what works for you is a personal journey into how you think, remember, and how you interact with the world around you. For example if your brain works in patterns like mine does you may find yourself trying to find a pattern or brain trick to remember something. I have found the more I understand my brain the more I’m able to better communicate, connect, and explain my ideas, dreams, and point of view to others. And since we live in a world of words and ideas it’s always a good practice to understand your own brain.

Until next time!