Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hey You’re Really Smart (Questions about IQ)

I think that everyone wonders about intelligence and what their IQ is. Our society likes to show how intelligent it is. This is why there are groups like Mensa which you have to test and show what your IQ is before you can join. IQ is an important way to showing how smart a person is. We would all like to be geniuses and the way to measure that is to test a person’s IQ.
IQ is important factor in having dyslexia also. In the olden days (a long, long, well not that long ago) people use to believe that having dyslexia meant that a person had a lower IQ. Everyone believed that it was a sign of a lower intelligence. From that idea scientists decided to do a lot of testing on this theory, and they come up with an answer. Luckily when it comes to having dyslexia scientists have found that there is no connection between having dyslexia and having a low IQ. So Yay US!
In fact, it proves that a person has dyslexia by looking at the IQ test results and to see the gap between IQ and their ability. So therefore most people with dyslexia have high IQs and are smart. Our smartness comes out in different way. We are not always book or testing smart, but we have a great ability to think in different ways.
Some of the problem we have is the many of the ways that dyslexics are test are not the way that our brains work. Our brains have trouble with reading and the interruptions of those symbols in the brain. Having dyslexia does not affect intelligence at all. It in fact proves that a person is smart.
Here is a list of the IQ scores and percent of Americans that fall in that range:
Genius 144 0.13%
Gifted 130-144 2.14%
Above average 115-129 13.59%
Higher average 100-114 34.13%
Lower average 85-99 34.13%
Below average 70-84 13.59%
Borderline low 55-69 2.14%
Low <55 0.13%

Guess where most dyslexic people fall?

They fall in the above average to higher average percentile.

So before you start to think to yourself that you are not very smart- consider the following:
“Does anyone know of a dyslexic that doesn't have a high IQ? More and more, I am beginning to feel that all dyslexics are above average or genius level, not just some! I have yet to read of a single person that has tested (with a good test that is) any lower than 120-130! Average is like 95 to 110 or something, isn't it? Some people have trouble with certain IQ tests because they are designed more around reading, but for the ones that aren't, dyslexics always seem to excel!!! If I ever own a company, I think I'll make being dyslexic as a prerequisite...that way I'll get hard workers with high intelligence.”
Anonymous Post to Dyslexia Discusion Board.

Read more: http://www.dyslexia.com/qagift.htm#981207#ixzz1liOG83Sz

Until next time!

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